- 2.1.5 (2012/08/24) + add phone number hide option (by zptstar) + add AgentSetupChecker ( by editplus ) fixed uagent.sh, ServiceInstall.bat to checkup current Setup + support Tibero DBMS ( by editplus ) NEW add query into sql-sms(mms)-Tibero.xml - 2.1.4 (2012/05/21) + add password encryption ( by wabang ) + change enable to check db performance when moving log ( by wabang ) + change use log4j ( by wabang ) - 2.1.3 (2012/03/19) + add MMS can send image as URL ( by wabang ) NEW add configurations about MMS URL image download + change AgentOperator delete alive file before start ( by wabang ) + change improve PhoneInfo performance ( by wabang ) + fix MMS can not deliver sub id due to query error ( by wabang ) + fix PhoneInfo can't create table index ( by wabang) - 2.1.2 (2011/12/21) + add PhoneInfo module ( by wabang ) NEW add pi folder and xml files from /conf + change enable to customize table column for each user ( by wabang ) change all query in xml files from /conf + add WatchDog module ( by editplus ) NEW add watchdog folder and xml files from under /conf/* - 2.1.1 (2011/10/06) + add AgentOperator Class ( by editplus ) NEW add AgentOperator to check DB Schema and ID/PW before module Start. NEW add CheckTable, CreateTable and AlterTable function from Carer and DBLogic + fix MMS Old G/W login process ( by editplus ) + fix QueryXML files not to create same Index. + fix create logtable index query from conf/sms/*.xml - 2.1.0 (2011/07/13) + add Multiple Schema Supporting ( by editplus ) NEW add a configuration value (schema.type) into agent.conf NEW add user folder on sms and mms folder so that customize schema as user's own NEW add convert.xml on conf for convert msgtype and telecom info + add Annotations about database setting and mms filepath ( by editplus ) NEW add some comments about database setting and mms filepath + remove unused MMS columns from Manual and query xml ( by editplus ) NEW remove unused MMS columns from Manual NEW remove unused MMS columns from /conf/mms/sql-mms-oracle.xml + add Repository System and conf folder simplification NEW db-errorcode.map, content.map, mime.xml and result.xml is moved to lguplus.repository ( by editplus ) NEW add Customizing Functions on Repository by setting same files on conf folder as usual + add Reconnection Time Control Function for flexibility ( by editplus ) NEW add reconnect-time-mms.xml and reconnect-time-sms.xml on lguplus.repository - 2.0.8 (2011/06/09) + add setSoTimeout values can be handled from agent.conf ( by editplus ) NEW add a configuration value(sms.socket.timeout) into agent.conf NEW add a configuration value(mms.socket.timeout) into agent.conf + change Collector can wait until allowed time to deliver ( by editplus ) NEW remove FALSE logic on not allowed time from SMS/MMS Sender NEW add SLEEP logic on not allowed time from SMS/MMS Collector + change send Subject and Msg without blank characters on MMS Sender ( by editplus ) NEW add RTRIM logic on Subject and Msg before send on MMS Sender - 2.0.7 (2011/05/20) + change ping,pong period of SMS,MMS from 5 seconds to 60 seconds and log ping,pong ( by yoyozo ) + add retry logic if agent can't receive deliver(submit) asc(response) ( by yoyozo ) NEW add a configuration value(mms.retry.count) into agent.conf NEW add query into sql-sms(mms)-db-xml + add log a auth fail description ( by yoyozo ) NEW add file installed/conf/sms(mms)/result.xml - 2.0.6 (2011/05/17) + add keeping max key row, when client uses mysql innodb type ( by yoyozo ) NEW add a configuration value(mysql.autoincrement.reset) into agent.conf - 2.0.5 (2011/05/04) + add processing report data from Old MMS system after immigration ( by yoyozo ) NEW add configuration values (mms.immigration.*) into agent.conf - 2.0.4 (2011/04/25) + fix MMS MO problem in parsing XML ( upgrade a library from lguplus-mo-api-1.1.0 to lgupuls-mo-api-1.1.1 ) + fix inserting MMS MO subject as sender number - 2.0.3 (2011/04/20) + fix reconnect to DB when DB restart. for SMSSender, SMSReceiver, MMS Receiver, MMS MO Reducer ( by yoyozo ) - 2.0.2 (2011/04/07) + fix sms,mms mo functions ( by yoyozo ) - 2.0.1 (2011/04/06) + change sms status value ( by yoyozo) - 2.0.0 (2011/04/05) + inital ( by yoyozo)